How Killer Whales Kill
Orcas may look cute, but don’t be fooled. They display some of the most sophisticated hunting techniques of any animals on Earth.
The Artful Science of Anna Atkins
Anna Atkins reportedly created the first photographically illustrated and printed book in response to another monograph she thought was shoddily done.
Sea Monsters of the Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is particularly known for their sea monsters, largely because of the continuity of stories about unidentified sea creatures.
Why Conservationists Shouldn’t Forget About Insects
Insect conservation can be a tough sell. Lots of people simply don’t like bugs, and an endangered bug simply doesn’t pull on the heart strings.
How Can A Fish Not Have a Face?
From the "weird science" files: A research vessel off the coast of New South Wales in Eastern Australia hauled up a fish that did not seem to have a face.
Why Have Whales Come to New York City?
What brought whales to the city? It’s a tale of water quality, plankton, and an unassuming but vital fish called the menhaden.
How Do Fish Schools Work?
Fish schools turn, contract, expand, even part and come back together all without missing a beat. Yet fish are individuals, not a hive mind.
California’s Plague of Poisonous Mushrooms
In the last couple of months, fourteen Californians have learned the hard way when they accidentally ate highly poisonous “Death Cap” mushrooms.
The Enduring Mysteries of the Narwhal’s Tusk
Why don't we know what narwhals' tusks are for? New footage suggests they use the tusks to stun fish before eating then, but some mysteries remain.
The Mysteries of Komodo Dragons
Antibiotics and other medical treatments often come from offbeat sources, but researchers in Virginia have found some promising ...