Netflix and Chill
"Netflix and chill" is just the latest trend in 100+ years of changing courtship rituals.
The Mystery Man in Mary Wollstonecraft’s Life
Gilbert Imlay already had a bad reputation before his biographer discovered he was a slave trader.
Before #MoreThanMean, This Woman Innovated Sportswriting
Sportswriting by women is not a new phenomenon. Lorena Hickok was a forerunner for women sportswriters, and began her career on the college football beat.
The Map That Created The Modern Middle East
The Sykes-Picot remade the Middle East for British and French control. A century later, their legacy is a disaster.
A Really Contested Convention: The 1924 Democratic “Klanbake”
The convention was also notable because hundreds of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan attended as delegates.
Anxiety and Treatment
Anxiety is on the rise in the general populace, says Will Hutton in this weekend’s Guardian.
Cracking Enigma: The Polish Connection
Bletchley Park's code-breakers are famous for cracking Enigma, but they had a major assist from three Polish mathematicians, who had done it in 1932.
Maternity, #Meternity, and the Military
Maternity leave as we know it today may have its origins in turn-of-the-century French militarism.
The Mother of Mother’s Day
Mother's Day began as one woman's quest to have a public observance of the anniversary of her own mother's passing.
What Red Light Ladies Reveal About the American West
Prostitution and sex work are useful metric for historians seeking insight into the American West.