The Strange Life of Punctuation!
Punctuation is often a symbolically loaded. Is there anything else so heavily regulated, codified and coddled as the period, comma, or exclamation point?
Stage Death: From Offstage to in Your Face
Death on stage has a long, gory history. From Ancient Greece to 19th century Paris to The Walking Dead. Why does theatre like death so much?
Does Science Destroy Wonder?
Tom Wolfe's new book accidentally rehashes an age-old question: does scientific progress nullify beauty? What's the relationship between science and art?
The Phantom Tollbooth
The Phantom Tollbooth is one book JSTOR Daily readers told us they remember fondly from childhood.
Against Voluntourism
In a passionate set of tweets J.K. Rowling recently tackled the issue of so-called "voluntourism."
Which Came First, the Spoon, Fork, or Knife?
The spoon predates the knife and the fork. It exists in every age and culture in a wide variety of shapes.
Agatha Christie, Pharmacist
If you think “poison” when you think Agatha Christie, you’re dead on. Many of her novels feature poison. But did you know Dame Agatha was also a pharmacist?
Dancing with the Amateur Stars
Amateur ballroom dance enthusiasts value dance not just as a hobby, but as an indelible component of their identity.
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Roald Dahl
What don't you know about the famous children's book author?
Dorothea Lange and the Making of Migrant Mother
Follow the rich history of Dorothea Lange, as she captured the iconic and lasting portrait of Florence Thompson, more famously known as Migrant Mother.