Norman Rockwell: Provocative Artist or Predictable Hack?
While Norman Rockwell's paintings struck a chord with the mass American public, that was not always not the case with art critics.
James Joyce, Catholic Writer?
James Joyce remains a novelist whose characters are imbued with a Catholic world view, despite declaring himself to be a freethinking heretic.
Jimmie Durham and the Art of Interruption
Jimmie Durham’s first North American retrospective opens at The Hammer Museum this month. Learn about his art, performance, and undying need to interrupt.
George Orwell’s 1984
George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 finds itself at the top of the best-seller lists this week, the first of Trump’s presidency.
The Enduring Humor of New Yorker Cartoons
With 90 years of New Yorker cartoons, readers learn much about changing trends in political and social history, all while celebrating through laughter.
The Sexual Lessons of 1980s Teen Magazines
Teen magazines put girls in charge by inverting the male gaze
Millennia of Mosaics
The mosaics in New York City's new 2nd Avenue subway stations follow a tradition thousands of years old.
Suggested Readings: Crowd Numbers, Baby Jokes, Magic Blood
Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Very British Villains (and Other Anglo-Saxon Attitudes to Accents)
What do peoples' accents really reveal about them? The villainous British accent crystallizes the love-hate special relationship between the US and the UK.