The Hunt for Life in Alpha Centauri

This oddball system of three stars might be our best chance at finding nearby life in the Universe.
An illustration of a thanksgiving table

Thanksgiving Stories

Turkey or Tofurkey? Stuffing or dressing? Whatever the controversy, these Thanksgiving stories will slake your appetite!
William Carlos Williams, 1921

A Centennial Celebration of Spring and All

William Carlos Williams's hybrid work of poetry and prose both upended narrative conventions and delighted in the wondrous, unifying force of imagination.
Joseph Durham looking at an urn

The Care of the Dead: A Reading List

An interdisciplinary bibliography exploring the care of the dead and how our final choices are shaped by culture, religion, economics, technology, and war.
A cat sits underneath lanterns displayed at Tai O fishing village on September 07, 2022 in Hong Kong, China.

Urban Ghosts, Lessons from Lice, and Not Going to Mars

Well-researched stories from Undark, Quanta Magazine, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
The Erechtheum

The Unusual, Unexpected Erechtheion

The Parthenon embodies the ideals of perfection Classical Greeks sought from architecture. The neighboring Erechtheion offers something else.
Young Negro, 1935

Black in the USSR

Soviet artworks that featured Black Americans tended to trade in stereotypes. The paintings of Alexsandr Deineka were an exception.
An illustration of William Burke murdering Margery Campbell

Burke and Hare…and Knox

Burke and Hare infamously killed people to meet the demand for bodies in Edinburgh’s anatomy schools in 1828. But who remembers the man for whom they worked?
Painting of Louis Eugène Cavaignac

What Are Colonies For? France and Algeria, 1848

Algeria was a safety valve for the Second Republic: a place to funnel the militant working class to subdue them as colonists and farmers.
Many hands make light work of the washing up at Grasmere Youth Hostel in the Lake District, 1941

Yay for the Youth Hostel!

In the early twentieth century, hostel organizations helped young people to get out into the country and travel independently—with a bit of overnight supervision.