An illustration from the masthead of The Catholic Worker

Catholics Against Racism

As early as the 1930s, Black Catholic parishioners formed alliances with their white counterparts to put their churches in service of anti-racist goals.
Kavita Daswani’s For Matrimonial Purposes (2003); Daswani’s The Village Bride of Beverly Hills (2004); and Sonia Singh’s Goddess for Hire (2004).

The Hybrid Heroines of “Bollywood Chick Lit”

Material consumption and marriage have different meanings for South Asian American women, and those meanings should shape the way we read Desi “chick lit.”
A series of pages of a Chinese publication with dotted frames indicating some are missing

On The Fragility of Our Knowledge Base

Historian Glenn D. Tieffert shows how state interests in the People’s Republic of China can be protected by editing online databases and collections.
Harry C. Hindmarsh

The Editor Who Drove Hemingway Away

Harry C. Hindmarsh, assistant managing editor of the Toronto Daily Star, knew how to get under Ernest Hemingway’s skin.
Twin Cities Pride, 2011

How Minnesota Became a Queer Hmong Mecca

Despite policies meant to scatter immigrants from the same ethnic group across the United States, the Twin Cities area became a refuge for LGBTQ Hmongs.
From the ceiling of the Santa Maria Della Fonte Nuova (Monsummano Terme)

Ivory Towers: Good or Bad?

The ivory tower has always been metaphoric, but as Steven Shapin shows, its symbolic value has shifted over the centuries.
Ettore Petrolini

Laughing With the Fascists

Mussolini’s regime isn’t generally associated with a sense of humor, but the Fascist party found comedy useful in certain circumstances.
Instructor Lt. Richard C. Reynolds (right) programmes a malfunction into the launch control trainer used in the Titan missile supervisors' and planners' course at Sheppard Air Base, Texas, July 1962.

Close Calls: When the Cold War Almost Went Nuclear

Most of the nuclear near-misses during the Cold War were kept under wraps, and they still make for unnerving reading in the twenty-first century.
Cover of The Culture Arts Review also known as 文华 Wén huá, 1929

Industrial Policy via Women’s Magazines

In the early 1900s, women’s magazines helped both women and men grapple with China’s fast-changing world of technology and industrial activity.