A male maratus splendens spider on a stalk of grass.

Tiny Splendid Peacock Spiders

They have the fastest known jump among their kind according to a new study.
Lonomia obliqua

The Caterpillars That Can Kill You

Some species make venoms that are deadly. With more research, those toxic compounds could yield useful medicines.
A Java Sparrow

Hard Bites and Slow Songs

How beak size affects the singing and evolution of songbirds.
Artist’s conception of early star formation:

When Everything in the Universe Changed

The revolutionary James Webb Space Telescope and next-gen radio telescopes are probing what’s known as the epoch of reionization.
Vanessa cardui

The Secrets of Butterfly Migration, Written in Pollen

Trillions of insects move around the globe each year. Scientists are working on new ways to map those long-distance journeys.
Bob Dylan and Joan Baez, 1965

Bob Dylan and the Creative Leap That Transformed Modern Music

In 1964, Dylan decided that he wanted to make a different kind of music.
Photomicrograph image of pyrrhotite under a reflected light ore microscope

Home Foundations Are Crumbling. This Mineral Is to Blame.

Pyrrhotite causes cracks in concrete. But research on how widespread the issue might be has only scratched the surface.
An orange cat playing with a toy

Ginger, Tortie, Calico

The mystery gene responsible for orange color in cat coats has been found.

String Theory Is Not Dead

Out of the limelight, theoretical physicists seek the math that can explain the universe’s particles and forces.