The Moon Might Be Older Than Scientists Previously Thought
A new study shines light on its history.
Home Foundations Are Crumbling. This Mineral Is to Blame.
Pyrrhotite causes cracks in concrete. But research on how widespread the issue might be has only scratched the surface.
Ginger, Tortie, Calico
The mystery gene responsible for orange color in cat coats has been found.
String Theory Is Not Dead
Out of the limelight, theoretical physicists seek the math that can explain the universe’s particles and forces.
A Blind Beetle Named Hitler?
The case for changing offensive names of animals and plants, and how it can be done
Azolla filiculoides: Balancing Environmental Promise and Peril
One of the world’s tiniest fern species, Azolla filiculoides may be one of our greatest tools for lowering agricultural pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
How Native Americans Guarded Their Societies Against Tyranny
Many Native American communities were consensus democracies that survived for generations because of careful attention to checking and balancing power.
The Whip-Poor-Will Has Been an Omen of Death for Centuries
What happened to this iconic bird of American horror?
Sustainable Building Effort Reaches New Heights with Wooden Skyscrapers
Wood engineered for strength and safety offers architects an alternative to carbon-intensive steel and concrete.