James Baldwin by Allan Warren

Gay Culture: Ancient Wonder or Modern Creation?

Even at more open-minded times, gays and gay culture is always seen as a frivolous—a decorative, added bonus of civilization.
American Eel

For the Endangered American Eel, A Long, Slippery Road to Recovery

The endangered American eel, once abundant along the U.S. East Coast, is critically important in keeping rivers ecologically sound.
A group assembling to welcome asylum seekers

The Ongoing Legal Plight of LGBTQ Refugees

Until governments recognize the right to freely express sexual and gender identity, safe haven for LGBTQ refugees is uncertain at best.
A pair of hands making L's to distinguish which one is actually the left one

Be Honest, Can You Really Tell Left from Right?

Laterality, or left-right orientation, takes years to master. A surprising percentage of adults struggle telling left from right, including some surgeons.
Close-up on a pencil as a student studies

Students Don’t Just Need Grit, They Need Agency

Psychologist Angela Duckworth argues that students need "grit," or rugged individualism, to succeed. But scholar Anindya Kundu insists there's more to it.
narcotic stimulants

America’s Workforce Runs on Uppers

Uppers like Benzedrine and cocaine provided a willing workforce for our capitalist economy. Now, Americans are turning to ADHD medications.
wo Sami people near their “lavvu”, a temporary dwelling similar to a Native American tipi.

318 Words for Snow: How to Preserve the Indigenous Languages of the Arctic

How scientists, linguists, and activists are working together to preserve indigenous languages in the Arctic—as well as the region's biodiversity.
Fields of einkorn

Great Grains: How Ancient Einkorn Became the New “It” Wheat

Einkorn, an ancient grain, is mediocre for baking, difficult to process, and unproductive in the field. Why is it the next food trend?
The Fulton Street subway station

The Psychology of Copycat Crime

A recent wave of subway slashings in New York City is an opportunity to examine the criminology and sociology behind copycat crime.
Cormorants on a Guano Island

Are We Entering a New Golden Age of Guano?

A history of civilization could be written in fertilizers. And the history of guano—bird poop—tells us a lot about slavery, imperialism, and U.S. expansion.