
The Little Plankton That Could

Arguably the world's most abundant animal, calanoid copepods can leap like whoa Nelly. And check out their enigmatic embryos!

Aeroplankton: The Life in the Air We Breathe

Just as the ocean is full of plankton, the air we breathe teems with microorganisms.
Bioluminescent ocean

The Glowing Mystery of Bioluminescence

Bioluminescence, an animal's ability to create and use light, exists exclusively in the lower branches of the tree of life.
Spiral of Plankton in Indian Ocean

The Effects of El Niño You Never Hear About

El Niño is a complex series of weather patterns that arises in the Pacific, influencing weather phenomena around the world. But what's it doing to plankton?

Old Data, New Discoveries: Solving The Paradox of the Plankton

In 1961, G. E. Hutchinson first outlined what he called the paradox of the plankton. Over 50 years later, it may be solved.