The Vital Near-Magic of Fire-Eating Fungi
As wildfires grow in size and severity, researchers are learning more about the burn scar pioneers that are foundational to ecosystem recovery.
The Fungi-Mad Ladies of Long Ago
In mycology’s early days, botanical drawing was, for some women, a calling. Their mushroom renderings were key to establishing this new field.
“There’s Gold in Them Thar Fungi”: Cordyceps as Cash Crop
A fungus in the genus Cordyceps has us running scared. But some of its species are worth more than their weight in gold.
The Next (Salamander) Epidemic
Everybody loves salamanders, especially the exotic pet industry. But importing these amphibians helps spread diseases like Bsal and Bd to native populations.
What’s Killing European Trees?
Soil fungi supply nutrients to trees, but as they wither from pollution, trees suffer too.
Climate Change, Fungal Change
Climate change is having an effect on the fungal communities in the soil that trees and other plants depend on.
The Secret Lives of Trees
Trees in the forest communicate with each other through underground networks shaped and assisted by ectomycorrhizal fungi.
Mushrooms may seem like humble life forms, but they are very much wrapped up in the human experience.
It’s Mushroom Season…
Check out this Special Mushroom Issue of Economic Botany to look up some pictures of edible mushrooms in the wild before you go picking.