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Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.

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Outrunning the cow (Pacific Standard)
By Rowen Jacobsen
The veggie burgers we know are pale imitations of actual meat. But that could be changing, thanks to a venture-backed laboratory scientists who are deconstructing the chemical compounds that make up meat’s flavor and reconstructing them with plant-based ingredients. The dream is to eventually make a fake burger that’s better than cow.

But which kind is Geoffry? (Slate)
by Ian Graber-Stiehl
There may be no more recognizable animal species than the giraffe. But wait. Biologists have now determined that what was once believed to be a single kind of creature with a number of subspecies is actually four different species.

Dumb babies, smart parents (The New Yorker)
by Maria Konnikova
Why are humans so smart? In a new paper, two cognitive scientists suggest it might be—at least in part—because we have to care for babies who are born really stupid.

Why it’s impossible to “Never forget” (The Conversation)
by Jennifer Talarico
Where were you when you heard about the 9/11 attacks? If you think you have a crystal-clear memory of that moment, there’s a good chance you’re wrong. A psychologist who studied students’ memories of that day explains that our “flashbulb memories” of intense moments aren’t what we think they are.

Your money or your time (The New York Times)
By Hal E. Hershfield and Cassie Mongilner Holmes
A majority of Americans seem to value money more than time, even if they’re not financially strapped. But a study suggests you might end up happier if you make an effort to focus more on time.

Have you seen a story online that does a good job of bridging the gap between the news and scholarship? Or something that seems particularly well-researched? Let us know and we may include it in next week’s roundup. Email us at jstordaily_submissions (at) jstor (dot) org.