Book Thieves Take the Story and Run with It
Book theft: the books may be rare, but the crime is not.
Laughing Matters
Sophia McClennen, author of Trump Was a Joke, discusses how political satire decoded the chaos of the forty-fifth presidency.
Mao Zedong: Reader, Librarian, Revolutionary?
Before becoming leader of communist China, Mao was an ardent library patron and then worked as a library assistant.
Freedom Libraries and the Fight for Library Equity
Freedom libraries in the south provided Black residents with access to spaces and books, whether in church basements or private homes.
Libraries and Pandemics: Past and Present
The 1918 influenza pandemic had a profound impact on how librarians do their work, transforming libraries into centers of community care.
The 4 Questions to Ask before You Unplug
If you're concerned about the internet's effects on the world and on yourself, unplugging might not be the answer.
How Librarians Can Be Digital Mentors for Teens
The role of librarians, archivists, media trainers, and other information professionals in fostering a healthy digital world for the next generation.
An App for Autism
For some families, Apple's assistant Siri has become a crucial bridge between their autistic children and the outside world.
Celebrate Banned Books Week
The last week of September is Banned Books Week, when the American Library Association calls our attention to works that have been censored.
14 Ways to Make Meetings Less Awful
Can anything be done to make meetings more useful and less dull?