Asian South America
The migration of Asian people—from India, from China, from Japan—to South America and the Caribbean began as early as the sixteenth century.
10 Poems for National Hispanic Heritage Month
One of the most meaningful ways to celebrate the month between September 15 and October 15 may be to lend our attention to verse.
Rosa Hernández Acosta habla sobre la Campaña de Alfabetización Cubana
Armada solamente con unos cuantos libros de texto y una lámpara de queroseno, Rosa Hernández Acosta alfabetizaba en la Cuba rural sin electricidad, agua corriente ni carreteras asfaltadas.
Rosa Hernández Acosta on the Cuban Literacy Campaign
Armed with just some textbooks and a kerosene lantern, Rosa Hernández Acosta taught literacy in rural Cuba without electricity, running water, or paved roads.