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My Fair Lady in America (Scientific American)
by Daisy Grewal
In the UK, accents paint a distinct picture of class identity. In the supposedly classless U.S., we don’t think of speech the same way. But it turns out we have a pretty easy time figuring out someone’s social class, and making discriminatory decisions about them, based on just a few spoken words.

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Our mysterious star (The Atlantic)
by Marina Koren
The sun seems like a pretty simple thing—a big ball of fire made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. But an intrepid probe braving 2 million degree temperatures inside the sun’s atmosphere has a lot to study, including the weird space weather produced by solar wind.

A linguistic analysis of Baby Yoda (Slate)
by Lisa Davidson
It’s a question on everyone’s mind: What will Baby Yoda’s first words be? A linguist suggests it’s unlikely he’ll use the distinctive syntax we know so well from the actual Yoda.

Yes, climate change models work (Vox)
by David Roberts
Climate change is an enormously complicated phenomenon with many unknown aspects and unexpected feedback loops. And yet, since scientists started modeling global warming decades ago, they’ve been pretty on target.

The dangers of misinformation about ectopic pregnancies (The Cut)
by Katie Heaney
An anti-abortion law proposed by Ohio state legislators would require doctors to “reimplant an ectopic pregnancy” into the uterus. But that’s not a real medical procedure, and suggesting that it is risks unintended consequences.

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