Your Dinosaur Toys Are Wrong (Atlas Obscura)
by Andrew Coletti
People have been fascinated by dinosaurs for more than a century. Unfortunately, many depictions of the creatures in popular culture haven’t advanced much in that time. One YouTube channel is setting the record straight.
Who Is a Diva? (Public Books)
by Sharon Marcus
“Diva” can be a term of adoration or disparagement. It signifies hyperfemininity and also a willingness to be loud, accomplished, and demanding in a way rarely permitted for women. A survey of some prominent divas suggests just how much they can teach the rest of us.
Poop Eaters Are All Around Us (Defector)
by Sabrina Imbler
Bat guano is packed with protein, to the delight of cave salamanders. Koalas produce a special type of fecal matter for their babies to eat. Songbirds, rabbits, and numerous other creatures have their own poop-eating habits. But until recently, coprophagy was a topic too gross for scientists to study in a unified way across species.
Saint Augustine and Foreign Aid (Vox)
by Sigal Samuel
Some politicians’ arguments about “rightly ordered love” get the claims of Augustine of Hippo and the early Christian Church exactly backwards. What do religious and secular thinkers say about who we should care for?
Bird Talk (Nautilus)
by Avery Schuyler Nunn
Migratory birds use instinct and memory to find their way on their long journeys. But new research suggests that they also rely on sharing information with each other—even across species.
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