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Katie McBride Moench

Katie McBride Moench

Katie McBride Moench is a teacher and librarian in Wisconsin. She is a regular contributor at Book Riot and Literary Quicksand, as well as reviewing for School Library Journal. She writes about books, education, and history with a focus on childhood literacy and primary source research.


The Sovereignty of the Latter-day Saints

Less about morality than about rights, the Mormon War of 1858 hinged on the issue of polygamy, pitting a Utah community against federal authorities.

How American Librarians Helped Defeat the Nazis

Recruited to the war effort thanks to their deft research skills and technological know-how, librarians used microforms to gather and share intelligence with Allied forces.
Edward Jenner vaccinating a young child

Moving the Needle

Anti-vaxxers have been around as long as there have been vaccines.
Alexis Ward's Lockdown Art

Preserving the History of Coronavirus in Queens

Curator Annie Tummino on the Queens College COVID-19 Collection.
A teacher teaches her young pupils how to spell, 1930.

The Woman Teacher Documents a Feminist Labor Union’s Victory

The UK’s National Union of Women Teachers went from splinter group to union in its own right, winning on equal pay—as The Woman Teacher shows first-hand.