Big Brains Are Hard to Grow
Human brains take a long time, and a lot of energy, to grow to their mature state. This may well be an evolutionary tradeoff for having such big brains.
Will AI Restore Our Sense of Wonder?
According to philosopher Max Weber, science led to humanity's disenchantment. But reaching AI Singularity might spark our sense of wonder all over again.
How Does the Body Make Vitamin D from Sunlight?
A Curious Reader asks: How exactly does exposure to sunlight cause the the human body to synthesize Vitamin D3?
Is Alcoholism a Moral Failing?
Cultural explanations for alcoholism have changed significantly throughout the years, sometimes blaming social problems, sometimes psychological.
Why Deep-Sea Creatures Get Weirdly Giant
A giant squid sighting has us wondering all over again: how on earth do deep-sea creatures get so large?
Will the U.S. Ever Catch a High-Speed Train?
Over 20 countries have high-speed train travel, carrying 1.6 billion passengers a year. The United States is lagging behind.
The Meaning of Methane on Mars
Curiosity rover's recent report of methane on Mars isn't the first time the gas has been indicated. Does it necessarily mean that Mars harbors life?
Meet the Man Behind the Peony
In China, gramophone and camera in tow, botanist and explorer Joseph Rock collected seeds from the tree peony that bears his name.
How Language and Climate Connect
While we’re losing biological diversity, we’re also losing linguistic and cultural diversity at the same time. This is no coincidence.
Should the Moon Landing Site Be a National Historic Landmark?
Some archaeologists argue it’s essential to preserve the history of lunar exploration. But would it represent a claim of U.S. sovereignty over the moon?