Could Climate Change Alter the Ocean’s Currents?
What do currents do anyway? What would happen if they stopped?
More Hidden Figures of NASA History
Katherine G. Johnson, Charles F. Bolden, Jeanette Epps, and roles of African Americans in NASA.
The Invention of Pets
Pet are a relatively recent invention. In the 18th and 19th centuries, pethood arose in the split between farm animals and home animals.
How Do We Know What Human Organs Do?
Apparently humans have a new internal organ. How can this be, and what does this "new organ" do?
Changing the Way We Die
Dying may seem like a straightforward business, but there are almost as many ways to approach the end of life as there are to approach life itself.
How Trump’s Twitter Presidency Hijacked Hopes For E-Democracy
The first live-tweeting presidency resembles the broadcast-era version of democracy more than the kind of democracy the internet was supposed to enable.
The Many Unexpected Jobs of the Clubmoss Spore
The first working internal combustion machine debuted in 1807, powered by lycopodium powder, which is made of explosive plant spores.
Where Have All the Cheetahs Gone?
Disturbing news for cheetahs: a recent census reveals that populations have plummeted.
The Cork Oak Forests Want You to Drink More Wine
Corks come from a tree that is part of a unique ecosystem dependent on cork harvest for its survival.
Giant Squid, Giant Secrets
Very little is known about the giant squid, which surely has added to the strange creature's mystique.