Political Corruption in Athens and Rome
Bribery was widespread in the ancient world. That didn’t mean it was considered acceptable.
The Legal Struggles of the LGBTQIA+ Community in India
A recent judgement by the Supreme Court of India put off the question of allowing same-sex marriage, but it still may be seen as a victory for the community.
Identity and Violence in Manipur, India
A history of political and economic mismanagement, paired with armed militancy based in ethnic identity, helps explain the protracted violence in the region.
Israel and Gaza: A Syllabus of Background Readings
How can we help students begin to make sense of the current and recurring violence in Israel and Gaza?
Public Media and the Infrastructure of Democracy
Federal support for broadband expansion reflects the understanding that communication is as vital as roadways to the republic.
When the Government Tried to Flood the Grand Canyon
In the 1960s, the government proposed the construction of two dams in the Grand Canyon, potentially flooding much of Grand Canyon National Park.
As Militaries Adopt AI, Hype Becomes a Weapon
Few things provoke quite the same amount of anxiety as the effect AI could have on warfare.
From Weapons to Wildlife?
While war is an environmental as well as human disaster, readiness and preparation for armed conflict is more ambiguous ecologically.
In Sudan’s Civil Conflict, the Arab Cold War Widens
Sudan's decades-long civil war has finally come "home" to Khartoum.
In Bhutan, Real Citizens Don’t Eat Meat
The fusion of Buddhism and politics in Bhutan has forced “good citizens” to reconsider their relationship with the procurement and consumption of meat.