James Dalton Highway, Alaska.

State Politics and Public Lands Management

Judging by past executive orders, the US president’s newest policies on public lands may turn federal responsibilities over to state or local governments.
A series of posters created by the American Forces Information Service (AFIS)

Life Advice From the Armed Forces

These American Forces Information Service posters shared via JSTOR by The University of Alabama in Huntsville offer us the wisdom we didn’t know we needed.
A photograph of a red pill in someone's left palm and a blue pill in his right palm

An Age of Fantasy Politics

Tropes from science fiction and fantasy have become fodder for political rhetoric and action on all sides in the twenty-first century.
A handbag with a United States flag coloring

The Power of the Purse

The first time a president withheld funds for something approved by Congress, it led to the Impoundment Control Act. We’ll soon find out if that law has teeth.
Citizens United Money Globe

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission: Annotated

The 2010 decision, enabling the rise of super PACS, made possible new and more covert mechanisms for funding election campaigns in the United States.
A woman working late at night on business plans

How to Headhunt for “Singapore Inc”

Some upwardly mobile Singaporeans who have worked abroad may express their buy-in through coming-of-career narratives.
People work to clear the rubble near the village of Nuan Seetaga following the 8.3 magnitude strong earthquake which struck on Tuesday, on October 3, 2009 in Pago Pago, American Samoa

A Village Responds to Disaster

When a tsunami struck American Samoa in 2009, the key to a swift response was Indigenous institutions that drew on local knowledge and community training.
"I Voted" stickers

Voting in American Politics: A Syllabus

From battles to expand the franchise to the mysteries of turnout, voting is one of the most important things to understand about US politics.
A gay couple and their children attend a rally on the steps of the California Supreme Court March 11, 2004 in San Francisco.

“Protecting Kids” from Gay Marriage

Leading up to a 2004 debate about same-sex marriage, conservatives shifted their focus away from moral issues and toward arguments about children’s welfare.
President Lyndon B. Johnson addresses the Nation, announcing a bombing halt in Vietnam and his intention not to run for re-election, 1968

All The Way With LBJ?

In March 1968, US President Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would neither seek nor accept the nomination of the Democratic Party. That wasn’t the whole truth.