Black and white illustration of a chained elephant, titled Uganda, giving a side glance to the explorer and colonizer who are discussing it

The Original White Elephant

The unsettling story of Barnum's White Elephant.
A stethoscope monitoring the pulse of a stack of twenty dollar bills

How Subtle Subsidies Shaped U.S. Health Care

Melissa A. Thomasson looked into how federal money created the U.S. health care landscape as we know it.
Older black and white drawing of the presentation of the Magna Carta

Magna Carta at 800

The Magna Carta's 800th birthday is this year.
Close-up of the Vietnam Memorial

The Vietnam War: 50 Years (and More) Later

The fiftieth anniversary of the Vietnam War is somewhat misleading: The US had been involved in Vietnam for well over a decade already by 1965
Female prisoners at Parchman sewing, c. 1930 
By Mississippi Department of Archives and History [see page for license], via Wikimedia Commons

A History of Women’s Prisons

While women's prisons historically emphasized the virtues of traditional femininity, the conditions of these prisons were abominable.
Rows of marijuana plants

Legalizing Marijuana: Lessons from the Post-prohibition Era

The country's experience regulating alcohol after Prohibition may provide lessons regarding marijuana.
Close-up of "Just Married" sign attached on convertible car's trunk. Horizontal shot.

A Threat to “Traditional Marriage” in the 1920s

The view of "traditional marriage" has been under attack since long before anyone imagined state-sanctioned gay and lesbian unions
Globe showing area referred to as the Middle East

Making the Middle East

Two scholarly perspectives on the making of the Middle East.
A stamp commemorating the Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Recording History: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 are a touchstone of American history.