Plants and saplings growing in a previously logged area of a foggy forest in the Cascade Range of Oregon.

Reforestation: It’s A Trade-Off

While reforestation may help address the climate crisis, implementation requires long-term flexibility, careful listening, and an ability to compromise.
“Cosmic Cliffs” in the Carina Nebula (NIRCam Image)

Space Images, Reproductive Justice, and Bird Evolution

Well-researched stories from Vox, Public Books, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Germain soldiers holding the perimeter around a tank during a time of political unrest during the Weimar Era.

Democide: An Inside Job?

The biggest enemy of democracy? It may be democracy itself.
Two hands holding prison bars

Rethinking Prison as a Deterrent to Future Crime

Time behind bars can increase the likelihood that someone will re-offend, research finds. In many cases, programs that rehabilitate, rather than punish, may be a better solution.
Vials of Smallpox vaccinations alongside the medical tools to administer the vaccine

How the US Handled Its First Mpox Outbreak

Can the CDC and other health organizations apply the lessons learned in 2003?
An ad for a Riot Grrrl Convention in 1992

Start a Riot (and a Zine), Grrrl

With roots in the small press and fanzine communities, the girl zine movement relied on pen, paper, and copy machines to fight structural oppression.
A climate change activist stands outside the home of Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) on June 30, 2022 in Washington, DC. Activist groups are holding a "Tour of Shame", or march to the homes of senators they consider most responsible for a reduction in climate change regulations.

A Return To Nineteenth-Century Style Regulation?

In an era of laissez-faire governance, a growing number of federal and state regulations were justified as necessary to protect public health and morality.
Surgical tools laid out

How Television Can (De)Stigmatize Abortion

Fictional representations of procedures and providers mirror—but may also undermine—popular attitudes on abortion.
An electric car charges at a mall parking lot on June 27, 2022 in Corte Madera, California.

How Much Does It Cost to Reduce Carbon Emissions?

Analyses including both static and dynamic costs can help us make better decisions while developing technologies to address climate change.
An NSA security posters from the 1950s or 60s

Security Studies: A Syllabus

National security, borders and migration, climate change and global food supplies, war and terrorism. These make up the academic field of security studies.