Cover of The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

...research articles that relate to studies of the arts and aesthetics in various disciplines, including philosophy and the sciences, as well as book reviews of relevant material. The variety in...
Young girl's hand touches and holds an old woman's wrinkled hands.

Medically Assisted Suicide, Christianity, and Confucius

...and philosophy scholar Ping-cheung Lo looks at the issue from outside the Christian-secular spectrum, examining how traditional Confucian values relate to one particular secular argument: the notion of “death with...
Senate Building in Washington, D.C.

The Logan Act

...Logan, calling him, among other things, a “propagandist of sedition and philosophy.” Frederick B. Tolles does a historian’s job of rescuing Logan from his enemies in his nuanced article from...
A teacher helping a student in a classroom

Teaching Facts and Values in Public Schools

In a recent entry in the New York Times philosophy column “The Stone,” Justin P. McBrayer argues that public schools are misleading students by teaching them to sort statements into...
Female prisoners at Parchman sewing, c. 1930 
By Mississippi Department of Archives and History [see page for license], via Wikimedia Commons

A History of Women’s Prisons

...the men. Thanks to the changes in correctional philosophy, the new emphasis was on individual choice and reformation, and, instead of victims of fate, the women were viewed as “generally...
Neon vortex

A Universe Where Time Runs Backwards

The big bang may have created an additional universe where time goes backwards, according to new simulations. Using computer models, the researchers determined that there might be a parallel universe...
Education and Leisure

The Rise and Fall of “Education for Leisure”

...Obamacare. Fund road and bridge projects that create construction jobs. Here’s one you won’t hear: Teach philosophy and art appreciation, so that people whose working hours are cut can use...
Black and white photograph of Leon Trotsky looking directly at the camera

Trotsky’s New York Minute

...his autobiography: “Here I was in New York, city of prose and fantasy, of capitalist automatism, its streets a triumph of cubism, its moral philosophy that of the dollar. New...
Side-by-side black and white photographs from the mid 1800's of two ladies sitting across from each other and dabbling in divination as a specter-like presence hovers between them

Waking the Spirits: The Diaries of John A. Clark

...the results. “I see the operation & the communications are of such a character,” he wrote in his diary, “that with all our reason and philosophy we are entirely unable...
Arid Lands Institute

Embracing Dry Land: Water-Smart Urban Design and Drought in the American West

...sure the water was there for the taking without further thought, as if from a magic fountain, was the guiding philosophy behind water management in the West for most of...