Roanoke baptism

Our Long Roanoke Nightmare

The sixth season of Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story premiered on September 14th after a lengthy campaign of intentional obfuscation, including 24 trailers that may or may not have had...
Blake's "Newton"

Does Science Destroy Wonder?

In his new book, The Kingdom of Speech, Tom Wolfe challenges the idea that language is a product of evolution, claiming it must have come through some other mechanism—namely, mnemonics....
Stranger Things title

“Stranger Things” and the Psychic Nosebleed

In the Netflix series Stranger Things, which has widely been declared the show of the summer, the tropes of 1980s popular culture are returned to us–some lovingly untouched, some turned...
genetic manipulation

Genetic Manipulation: The Next Big Thing

In science, the “big papers” (those that announce a major discovery or significant breakthrough) are usually found in the “big journals”: Cell, Nature, or Science. These publications are so high...
A mechanized dropper fills several vials at a time in a medical lab

“Stupidity Virus?” Not Quite

The last few days have brought reports of scientists finding a virus that may affect cognitive function in those infected by it. While you can’t begrudge publications their attempts to...
Dr. Eugene Porter Walking Dead

Walking Dead: The Science Behind the Zombies

When “The Walking Dead” returned with its fifth season premiere on October 12th, one of the plots already in motion concerned getting Dr. Eugene Porter to Washington D.C.. Porter has...


...Contributors: Erin Blakemore Aissa Dearing Ashley Gardini Livia Gershon Katrina Gulliver Ashawnta Jackson Betsy Golden Kellem H.M.A. Leow Allison Meier Amelia Soth Liz Tracey Matthew Wills May Wang Emily Zarevich...