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James Hutson

Dr. James Hutson is a multidisciplinary researcher with expertise spanning artificial intelligence, neurohumanities, neurodiversity, immersive realities, and educational gamification, holding degrees in Art History, Leadership, Game Design, and Artificial Intelligence.

An image created with Adobe Firefly using the prompt, "a room full of students creating art on computers"

AI and the Creative Process: Part Three

The multifaceted nature of creativity subverts the assumption it’s a human endeavor exclusively—meaning we might need to radically re-think the definition of “art.”
An AI image generated using Adobe Firefly, depicting a painting of a group of 6 people gathered around a toilet in a gallery

AI and the Creative Process: Part Two

Though technological innovation has always influenced considerations of art—think of Duchamp’s controversial urinal—the constant throughout is human touch.
An image generated using Adobe Firefly

AI and the Creative Process: Part One

How does generative artificial intelligence upend conventional understandings of who is and what makes for a true artist?