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Headshot of author Heather Bourbeau

Heather Bourbeau

Heather Bourbeau’s journalism has appeared in The Economist, The Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy and The New York Times. She was a contributing writer to the New York Times bestseller, Not On Our Watch: A Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond with Don Cheadle and John Prendergast. She has worked with various United Nations agencies, including the UN peacekeeping mission in Liberia and UNICEF Somalia and holds a Master’s in International Economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Dr. Ossian Sweet
Courtesy of the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library

Dr. Ossian Sweet’s Black Life Mattered

It has been 90 years since Ossian Sweet tried to move into his new home; since police stood by and did nothing as a mob threw rocks.