Bell Telephone, 1922

A Prehistory of Zoom

Concerns about privacy and pressures regarding the physical appearance of women and their homes contributed to the failure of AT&T’s 1960s Picturephone.

What’s a Mental Health Diagnosis For?

Following the publication of the DSM-5, mental health professionals debated the expansion of “mental illness” to include normal parts of the human condition.
Cyrano de Bergerac

The Seventeenth-Century Space Race (for the Soul)

The astronomical discoveries of the 1600s—such as Saturn’s rings—prompted new questions about the structure of the cosmos and humans’ place in it.
Christopher Strachey of the National Research Development Corporation demonstrates the memory drum of the Ferranti Mark 1, (also known as the Manchester Electronic Computer), which has 2,000 leads and functions in a similar way to the human brain, Moston, Manchester, February 1955.

The Love Letter Generator That Foretold ChatGPT

Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey created a ground-breaking computer program that allowed them to express affection vicariously when so doing publicly, as gay men, was criminal.
Eoraptor lunensis lived roughly 230 million years ago, at a time when dinosaurs were small and rare.

Growing Quickly Helped the Earliest Dinosaurs

Rapid growth also helped other ancient reptiles flourish in the aftermath of mass extinction.
Shelter along the Appalachian Trail

The Huts of the Appalachian Trail

Scattered along the Appalachian Trail, “primitive huts” built in various styles offer shelter, social space, and evidence of the trail's long history.
An image of Enceladus assembled using infrared, green, ultraviolet, and clear filtered images taken by Cassini on July 14, 2005

Saturn’s Ocean Moon Enceladus Is Able to Support Life

This research team is working out how to detect extraterrestrial cells in the liquid water ocean hidden beneath Enceladus’s icy crust.
Onlookers gaze upon and photograph the Northern Lights at Chanticleer Point Lookout on the Columbia River Gorge in the early morning hours of May 11, 2024 in Latourell, Oregon

Aurorae and the Green of the Night Sky

On the historical hunt for the origin of the enigmatic green line in the spectrum of the aurora borealis.
IceCube Neutrino Observatory in 2023

IceCube Detector Confirms Deep-Space “Ghost Particle” Phenomenon

IceCube scientists have detected high-energy tau neutrinos from deep space, suggesting that neutrino transformations occur not only in lab experiments but also over cosmic distances.
Retro circle pattern

How Two Rebel Physicists Changed Quantum Theory

David Bohm and Hugh Everett were once ostracized for challenging the dominant thinking in physics. Now, science accepts their ideas, which are said to enrich our understanding of the universe.