The Diverse Shamanisms of South America
In Brazil, Indigenous people and city-dwellers of all backgrounds mix various shamanic practices, including rituals imported from North America and elsewhere.
Time in a Box
Humans like to seal collections of ephemera in containers that they then hide in soon-to-be-forgotten places. Whither the time capsule?
K-cuisine in Malaysia: Are Locals Biting?
By neglecting local tastes and the culinary presence of Korean migrants, state-sponsored initiatives to globalize Korean food may fall short in Malaysia.
Surprising Discovery Challenges Key Principle of Modern Cosmology
Observations of an enormous cosmic structure, dubbed the "Big Ring," seem to violate the Copernican principle.
Remembering Maud Lewis
A symbol of resilience and resourcefulness, Lewis remains one of Canada’s best-loved and most-celebrated folk artists.
The Fashionable Tour: or, The First American Tourist Guidebook
Offering advice for visiting Sarasota Springs and other sights, Gideon Davison combined the travel narrative and road book to create a new type of travel guide.
Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Our best stories about the vast histories and cultures of Americans with ancestry in Asia and the Pacific.
The ABCs of Lithium
Lithium is increasingly seen as a strategic resource, especially for batteries in dreams of a green future. But where does it come from, and at what cost?
The Metaphysical Story of Chiropractic
Chiropractic medicine began as a practice built on an approach to the human condition that was distinctly opposed to Christianity.