Treasure Shields Redmond
A Mississippi native, Dr. Treasure Shields Redmond is a published poet, master educator, community arts organizer, and successful entrepreneur. Treasure was raised in the federal housing projects, and went on to be signed to M.C. Hammer’s label as a hip hop artist, and writer. She is the author of chop: a collection of kwansabas for fannie lou hamer (2015). Dr. Redmond has co-founded Fannie Lou Hamer House, a retreat space for Black artists, and is the founder of Feminine Pronoun Consultants, LLC, and Get The Acceptance Letter Academy. Dr. Redmond was recently named a post doctoral fellow of literary executorship for the estate of Dr. Eugene B. Redmond and the late Henry Dumas. Find out how to contact and collaborate with Dr. Redmond at www.FemininePronoun.com