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Elizabeth Fernandez

Dr. Elizabeth Fernandez is a science communicator, looking at the interface between science and technology in society, and writes on science and society, science and philosophy, astronomy, physics, and geology. Particularly, she looks at how science, philosophy, religion and culture intersect. She has a PhD in astrophysics and has worked around the world, using telescopes both on the ground and in space. Her articles have appeared on and Big Think. She is also the host and producer of SparkDialog Podcasts, a podcast on science and society, where she tells the story of science in our lives. Besides science, she is an artist and writer, loves pretty much ever genre of music in existence, and seeks out bizarre and unique musical instruments. She has a passion for interfaith relations, working with people from many countries and backgrounds promoting dialog between faiths. Follow her on Twitter @SparkDialog.

How Mars may have looked about four billion years ago

How Mars Lost Its Magnetic Field—and Then Its Oceans

Chemical changes inside Mars's core caused it to lose its magnetic field. This, in turn, caused it to lose its oceans. But how?
Aerial view of Barringer crater in Arizona

The Eight Best Hidden Impact Craters on Earth

Many impact craters on Earth have been erased thanks to wind, water, and plate tectonics. But scientists have clever ways to find them.
Plate Tectonics Diagram

How Plate Tectonics Shook Life into Existence

The cycles of life all rely on the dynamism of the Earth’s crust.

How Rocks and Minerals Play with Light to Produce Breathtaking Colors

Rocks and minerals don’t simply reflect light. They play with it and interact with light as both a wave and a particle.