Dag Endresen
GBIF Node Manager for the Norwegian participant node in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). GBIF-Norway is hosted by the Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo (UiO). Previously: Knowledge Systems Engineer at GBIF secretariat (2011-2012). IT Manager Nordic Gene Bank Alnarp (1999-2011); inc. one year in Rome at Bioversity International, CGIAR (2005-2006). I completed my Ph.D. in 2011 at Copenhagen University, Institute for Agriculture and Ecology (http://goo.gl/pYa9x).
Scientific interests include biodiversity informatics, research data infrastructure, open-access data publication, predictive data analysis, and plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. My research contributions include predictive modeling within agroecology of the link between useful traits in traditional food crops and the environment where landraces were developed through long-term farming efforts.