Eight-port air sampler head by Glass Developments Ltd., London, 1971-1980

Object Lessons from the Modern Environmental Movement

This Earth Day, we're looking at the ominous slash beautiful material culture of the modern environmental movement.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addresses delegates before he signed the COP21 Climate Change Agreement on Earth Day, April 22, 2016, at the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York, N.Y.

The Paris Agreement: Annotated

Adopted by almost 200 parties at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference, the Paris Agreement captures international ambitions for cooperative climate action.
Watercolor painting of the earth by Martin Eklund

On Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day with stories from JSTOR Daily.
Anthony Comstock

“Zombie” Anthony Comstock Walks Among US (Again)

Or, how a moribund act of legislation continues to shape the fight for reproductive rights in the United States.
Taken after the Great Hanshin Earthquake on 17 January 1995 in Kobe, Japan

An Earthquake Rattles Japan’s Independent Living Movement

The Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995 highlighted the lack of financial and logistical support for people with disabilities to live independently.
Computer rendering of the Thirty Meter Telescope

Putting Science in its Place

A new stewardship group for a telescope in Hawai‘i hints at what cooperation between the European scientific tradition and Indigenous knowledge might look like.
Two smiling young girls have online video conference at computer screen

Can Good Coworkers Save Us From Job Burnout?

Maintaining healthy and good relationships with coworkers may help mitigate the risks of workplace burnout.
Cordyceps militaris

“There’s Gold in Them Thar Fungi”: Cordyceps as Cash Crop

A fungus in the genus Cordyceps has us running scared. But some of its species are worth more than their weight in gold.
Botanical illustration of Sisymbrium irio Linnaeus (unknown artist, 1896-1898)

Plant of the Month: London Rocket

London rocket was observed in abundance following the Great Fire of London in 1666, but why does this non-native weed still interest English botanists?

What it Sounds Like When Doves Cry

A century ago, an ornithologist proposed a system for transcribing bird sound as human speech. It did not catch on.