Can Good Coworkers Save Us From Job Burnout?
Maintaining healthy and good relationships with coworkers may help mitigate the risks of workplace burnout.
“There’s Gold in Them Thar Fungi”: Cordyceps as Cash Crop
A fungus in the genus Cordyceps has us running scared. But some of its species are worth more than their weight in gold.
Plant of the Month: London Rocket
London rocket was observed in abundance following the Great Fire of London in 1666, but why does this non-native weed still interest English botanists?
What it Sounds Like When Doves Cry
A century ago, an ornithologist proposed a system for transcribing bird sound as human speech. It did not catch on.
Mindful March: The Unexpected Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness has been linked with ethical decision making and avoidance of cognitive biases. Can it lead to better performance at work?
Celebrate World Bear Day!
The joy and concern we feel on World Bear Day perfectly represents our complicated—and sometimes contradictory—feelings about these massive mammals.
Ghost Cats of the East
Why do people claim to see cougars in the eastern United States when the cats are now extremely rare in that part of North America?
The Big Wheel
The Ferris wheel may not have been a new idea, but the revolving structure offered fun—from the fairgrounds to the classroom.
Where Does Water Come From?
And what does the early modern search for the answer to this question tell us about the “scientific method” we colloquially accept today?
Planetary Health: Foundations and Key Concepts
The groundwork for the field of planetary health was laid by a range of disciplines and movements, including medicine, ecology, health, and feminism.