State Politics and Public Lands Management
Judging by past executive orders, the US president’s newest policies on public lands may turn federal responsibilities over to state or local governments.
Tiny Splendid Peacock Spiders
They have the fastest known jump among their kind according to a new study.
A History of Fire
It’s only as we brought fire under better control that we stopped thinking so much about it—and, with climate change, that may be shifting again.
The First Lunar Lander and the Great Moon Dust Debate
In 1966, the Soviet Union’s Luna 9 became the first spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon, helping to resolve questions about the nature of the lunar surface.
Wolfsbane: A Poisonous Beauty
With a complex history related to hunting, magic, and madness, wolfsbane offers a glimpse into vernacular plant names and their associations with animals.
Trees With a Secret Message
The culturally modified trees of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska bring essential stories of the past into the present.
The Caterpillars That Can Kill You
Some species make venoms that are deadly. With more research, those toxic compounds could yield useful medicines.
A Most Opportunistic Colonizer
Poa annua is a unique grass species now thriving on every continent—including Antarctica. Wherefore its wanderlust?
Neocolonial Minecraft
One of the world’s best-selling video games, Minecraft conceals problematic assumptions about coloniality and power, argues educator Bennett Brazelton.
Hard Bites and Slow Songs
How beak size affects the singing and evolution of songbirds.