Brigadier General Smedley Butler, 1927.

Genesis of the Modern American Right

During the Great Depression, financial elites translated European fascism into an American form that joined high capital with lower middle-class populism.
A cover for The Power of Non-violence by Richard Gregg

Richard Gregg: An American Pioneer of Nonviolence Remembered 

Gregg was one of the first translators of Gandhi’s methods of nonviolent resistance for the West.
A high-angle view of a protest march with protesters carrying banners and placards reading 'Lynching is a Social Blot, Wipe it Out!', 'Free the Scottsboro Boys', 'Free Angelo Herndon', and 'Lynching is Un-American, Stop! Lynching' with some of the protestors carrying individual letters that spell out 'Stop! Lynching', United States, circa 1934.

The Long Civil Rights Movement

The “master narrative” of civil rights in the United States obscures the history of a more radical civil rights movement that stretches to the 1930s.
A gay couple and their children attend a rally on the steps of the California Supreme Court March 11, 2004 in San Francisco.

“Protecting Kids” from Gay Marriage

Leading up to a 2004 debate about same-sex marriage, conservatives shifted their focus away from moral issues and toward arguments about children’s welfare.
White Pines in Cathedral Woods, Intervale, White Mountains, N. H

Tree of Peace, Spark of War

The white pines of New England may have done more than any leaf of tea to kick off the American Revolution.
Thurgood Marshall, 1976

Thurgood Marshall

In a speech marking the bicentennial of the US Constitution, Marshall argued that its framers intentionally inscribed slavery into the American economy.
Bicycling along the Potomac River, 1973

Biking While Black in DC

Because of its political structure, Washington became a test case in federally mandated laws that enabled racially discriminatory policing of public space.
Cricket in the United States, 1920

Endangered: North American Cricket

Cricket was played and cheered in the United States and Canada in the nineteenth century. Why did it fall out of favor with sports fans?
Pennsylvania coal miners, 1942

Reclaiming a Coal Town

When the coal business tanked in the 1930s, the company town of Pardeesville, Pennsylvania, briefly transformed itself through collective action.
Freedom, A Journal of Anarchist Socialism, Volume 1, Issue 1, October 1886

Printing Anarchy

The stock figure of the “anarchist” is a bomb-thrower or assassin, but political scientist Kathy E. Ferguson argues it should be a printer.