The French police arrest the Jews on the orders of the German occupiers and take their personal details, Paris, 1941

Policing the Holocaust in Paris

Unlike in the rest of Nazi-occupied Europe, the arrest of Jewish people was largely in the hands of ordinary policemen in France, especially in Paris.
The game of Jai-Alai and the hall, Havana, Cuba

Hi, Jai Alai

Once popular across the United States, jai alai lives on in American sport culture mostly thanks to its history as a legal option for gambling.
Bicycling along the Potomac River, 1973

Biking While Black in DC

Because of its political structure, Washington became a test case in federally mandated laws that enabled racially discriminatory policing of public space.
Nature Morte Aux Citrons, 1918 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

When French Citrus Colonized Algeria

The citrus industry in Algeria honed French imperial apparatuses and provided a means for France to define and shape the behavior of its colonial subjects.
A Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG women fighters pose as they stand near a check point in the outskirts of the destroyed Syrian town of Kobane, also known as Ain al-Arab, Syria. June 20, 2015.

Women Warriors Make Great Propaganda

The presence of female fighters gives legitimacy to armed rebellions and increases the chances of support from international NGOS and other external actors.
A painting of Hong Tianguifu being captured

Taiping: China’s Nineteenth-Century Civil War

Partially coinciding with the American Civil War, the Taiping “Rebellion” in China was one of the most destructive conflicts in history.
Aerial view towards waterfront of Road Town, Tortola

Becoming the British Virgin Islands

Grappling with a history shaped by colonialism, the British Virgin Islands have built a national identity that embraces change while distancing the neighbors.
Cricket in the United States, 1920

Endangered: North American Cricket

Cricket was played and cheered in the United States and Canada in the nineteenth century. Why did it fall out of favor with sports fans?
Pennsylvania coal miners, 1942

Reclaiming a Coal Town

When the coal business tanked in the 1930s, the company town of Pardeesville, Pennsylvania, briefly transformed itself through collective action.
Freedom, A Journal of Anarchist Socialism, Volume 1, Issue 1, October 1886

Printing Anarchy

The stock figure of the “anarchist” is a bomb-thrower or assassin, but political scientist Kathy E. Ferguson argues it should be a printer.